
How to Keep Newborn Awake During Feeding?

Ever wondered how to keep newborn awake during feeding? You’re not alone. Many parents struggle when baby falls asleep while bottle feeding or when baby falling asleep while nursing happens just minutes into a feeding session. But why does this happen, and how can you keep your little one awake long enough to finish feeding?

In this blog, Dr. Jacqueline Ambush shares valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate and enhance your breastfeeding journey.

Why Do Babies Fall Asleep While Nursing or Bottle Feeding?

Babies often doze off during feeding for several reasons:

  • Feeding Near the End of Awake Time: Babies are often fed when they’re nearing the end of their awake period, which makes them more likely to fall asleep during the process.
  • Comfort and Coziness: The warmth and closeness of being held while feeding can naturally soothe babies into sleep.
  • Relaxation from Breast Milk: Breast Milk contains hormones like oxytocin that encourage relaxation, which can make babies feel sleepy during nursing.
  • Sleepy Environment: A dim, quiet room with calming sounds can signal to the baby’s brain that it’s time to sleep, making them more likely to nod off while eating.
  • Sleep-Feeding Association: Over time, babies may develop an association between feeding and sleep, reinforcing the habit of dozing off while nursing or bottle feeding.
  • Seeking Comfort: Sometimes babies seek feeding more for comfort and closeness than hunger, which may lead them to fall asleep during the process.

How to Keep Newborn Awake During Feeding

Babies tend to fall asleep during feeding because it’s soothing. Whether it’s the warmth, the closeness, or even the rhythmic sucking, the whole process lulls them into dreamland. If your baby falls asleep while nursing or baby won’t stay latched on and cries, it’s often because they’re drifting into a light sleep.

If your newborn falls asleep while bottle feeding or nursing, try these helpful tips to keep them alert:

  • Start with a Diaper Change: Before you begin feeding, a quick diaper change can help rouse your baby. You can also pause mid-feed for another change to keep them alert.
  • Undress for Skin-to-Skin Contact: Remove your baby’s clothing, leaving only a diaper, and enjoy skin-to-skin contact during feeding. This closeness can help stimulate sucking and keep them awake, whether breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
  • Brighten the Room: Keep the room well-lit by opening curtains or turning on lights to signal it’s time for feeding, not sleeping.
  • Use a Damp Cloth: Gently wipe your baby’s face and chest with a cool, damp cloth to help them stay alert.
  • Take a Break: If your baby starts to doze off, lay them down briefly on a flat surface away from your warmth. This little break can help wake them up before resuming the feeding.
  • Check the Latch: For breastfeeding, ensuring your baby has a proper latch can encourage more efficient feeding and keep them awake longer.
  • Feed at the Start of Awake Time: Offer feedings early in your baby’s wake window when they are more likely to be alert and ready to eat.
  • Keep Them Engaged: Talk softly to your baby or give them a small rattle to hold during feeding. Gentle stimulation like this can keep them awake.
  • Move the Feeding in the Bedtime Routine: If your baby often falls asleep during the bedtime feed, try moving the feeding earlier in the bedtime routine so they’re more alert.

With these techniques, you’ll be able to help your baby stay awake and complete their feedings without drifting off too soon.

Is It Necessary to Keep My Baby Awake During Feeding?

It’s not always necessary to keep your baby awake during feeding, but it can be beneficial in certain situations:

  • Adequate Nutrition: Keeping your baby awake ensures they consume enough milk during each session, preventing hunger soon after.
  • Sleep Training: It helps avoid sleep associations like nursing baby to sleep or needing a bottle to fall asleep, which can make sleep training easier later on.
  • Preventing Dependency: Regularly staying awake during feedings can reduce the habit of baby falling asleep while eating, fostering more independent sleep.

Staying alert during feeding encourages better eating habits and healthier sleep patterns.

Should I Worry If My Baby Falls Asleep Every Time They Nurse?

It’s quite common for babies to fall asleep during nursing, and for most parents, it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, the combination of warm milk, a full belly, and the soothing closeness of breastfeeding often leads to what many parents affectionately call a “milk drunk baby.”

If your baby falls asleep while nursing every time, it usually means they are feeling satisfied and comforted. However, if your baby falling asleep while eating frequently results in incomplete feedings, it may be worth gently encouraging them to stay awake for longer.

But if you notice your baby touches your face while nursing or pulls away often without feeding properly, it might be a sign that something is off—such as slow milk flow or discomfort. Understanding these small behaviors can help you ensure your baby gets the nourishment they need.

Why Am I So Sleepy While Breastfeeding?

Feeling drowsy while breastfeeding is totally normal. Many moms ask, “Why does breastfeeding make me sleepy?” Hormones like oxytocin, which are released during breastfeeding, can cause relaxation and sleepiness. While this is great for bonding, it’s not helpful if you’re trying to stay alert. Combat this by sitting in a well-lit space or having a small snack to boost your energy.

If you’re a new mom and need lactation support, don’t stress—help is here! Connect with Ambush Pediatrics for expert guidance and reassurance on your breastfeeding journey. Your journey matters, and we’re committed to providing the clarity and support you need.

Final Thoughts on Keeping Baby Awake

If your baby falls asleep while bottle feeding or you’re trying to figure out how to keep an infant awake during breastfeeding, these simple adjustments can help.

By keeping them engaged, shifting positions, and tweaking the environment, you can ensure a full, nourishing feeding. And remember, you’re not alone in wondering how to keep newborn awake during feeding—it’s a common challenge, but with time and patience, you’ll master it.

Frequently Asked Questions

My baby won’t sleep without a bottle in their mouth. What should I do?

If your baby won’t sleep without bottle in mouth, try slowly phasing out the bottle by offering other comfort objects or methods to help them self-soothe.

How can I get my baby to sleep without nursing?

To get baby to sleep without nursing, establish a bedtime routine that doesn’t involve feeding, such as a warm bath or a bedtime story.

Why does breastfeeding make me so sleepy?

Breastfeeding releases hormones like oxytocin and prolactin that promote relaxation and sleepiness.

How do I break the breastfeeding sleep association?

To break breastfeeding sleep association, gradually reduce the amount of time spent nursing to sleep and replace it with other calming activities.

What should I do if my baby falls asleep in my arms but wakes up when put down?

If your baby falls asleep in arms but wakes when put down, try keeping them swaddled or using a gentle rocking motion to transition them more smoothly to their bassinet.

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